If you work as a paramedic, there may be some expenses that you can claim that are specific to your occupation. At South East Accounting, we have numerous Paramedic clients so we are aware of the particular deductions specific to the industry that you may be missing out on if you are not seeking the advice of an accountant that specialises in Paramedics.
Vehicle Expenses
The cost of using your car to attend meetings, training and conferences that are not located at your usual station/workplace may be tax deductible.
Paramedics are often sent to cover shifts at different stations, if you are traveling between stations or call-outs to a station you may be eligible for a tax deduction.
If you need to pick up supplies, including uniforms or purchasing new stethoscopes, etc. you may eligible to claim the travel as a deduction.
For these types of expenses it is best to keep a diary of how many KMs you did. You can claim up to 5,000km without a logbook, however you will need to justify the kilometres claimed with diary evidence in the event of an audit.
Overtime Meals:
If you work overtime, you may be paid an allowance for meals. The cost of purchasing a meal is deductible provided there has been an allowance paid by your employer. You may be able to claim a set rate through your tax return without the need for receipts, however, you will need some justification of how that meal allowance was spent.
If you use public transport, taxi services, tolls and parking in order to attend a seminar, a training session, or to travel between branches this may be deductible, if you were not reimbursed, so hold onto those receipts.
If you are required to travel and stay overnight, you may be able to claim the accommodation and meals whilst you are away.
Work Clothing:
You will be able to claim the cost of purchasing uniforms and protective clothing. This includes your general uniform, protective boots and also includes items like code red shirts.
The cost of dry cleaning and laundering your uniform will be tax deductible. If you don’t have receipts we can claim a laundry allowance.
Other Expenses:
As a paramedic, you are required to attend courses to stay up to date (first aid updates, OH&S, etc.). If you are out of pocket for attending these courses you will be able to claim a tax deduction for doing so.
Union Fees, professional memberships and subscriptions to industry related magazines are also tax deductible.
If you are undertaking work-related studies and need to work from home, you may be able to claim a deduction for heating and lighting costs, your mobile phone, home phone and internet.
This list of deductions is not exhaustive and there could be more claims that are available to you through your tax return. We suggest that you keep all receipts for work related expenses even if they have not been listed above as you may be entitled to other deductions not listed. Please book now to have South East Accounting prepare your tax return.
Article Written by Paul Wineberg
Paul is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
and a Director of South East Accounting.